Our Cymbidium Orchids

Daniel Thomas ‘Taurus’ x Daniel Thomas ‘Green Savannah’

Product ID: SO1532


As a rule, I don’t like making sibling crosses, but could not help myself here.

Hoping for the more intense green colour of the awarded  ‘Taurus’ but with the size of ‘Green Savannah’, which is the biggest flowered cymbidium that I have grown over the last 40 or so years.

Both parents are clean non-sunstaining bloomers.

Speculative, but isn’t all breeding a gamble!

Plant Size: C


Plant Sizes:

B Plant forming its first bulb
BB Struck back bulb of a superior, rare or stud plant
C Plant with bulb & growth
C+ Plant with bulb & several growths
D Near flowering size plant
F Flowering size plant
OP An exclusive plant produced from seed (Original Plant)

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